Tuesday, November 30, 2010

More stuff that White people like.

In 2008 popular blogger Christian Lander released a book based on his blog stuffwhitepeoplelike.com. The book very quickly became a bestseller and this past week has seen a follow up entitled Whiter Shades of Pale.

From what I can gather, the book is simply more of the same. More generalizations and more useless facts and tidbits that apparently characterize White people. It is meant for comedic purposes but it very quickly becomes rather monotonous and obvious that almost anyone can fit within the many categories Lander illustrates. With the release of the new book, Lander has released a promotional video that is hosted by Amazon.com. Both titles seem to be rather superficial and not necessarily indicative of whiteness and could have baring on close to anyone in middle class Victoria.

Has anyone had time to check these out? If so, what do you think?
